
Context used to resolve a transaction. Compatible with the JSON response from a get_block call.



Timestamp expiration will be derived from.

How many seconds in the future to set expiration when deriving from timestamp. Defaults to 60 seconds if unset.

Block number ref_block_num will be derived from.

Reference block number, takes precedence over block_num if both is set.

Reference block prefix.

Expiration timestamp, takes precedence over timestamp and expire_seconds if set.


public DateTime? Timestamp

Timestamp expiration will be derived from.

public uint? ExpireSeconds

How many seconds in the future to set expiration when deriving from timestamp. Defaults to 60 seconds if unset.

public ushort? BlockNum

Block number ref_block_num will be derived from.

public ushort? RefBlockNum

Reference block number, takes precedence over block_num if both is set.

public uint? RefBlockPrefix

Reference block prefix.

public DateTime? Expiration

Expiration timestamp, takes precedence over timestamp and expire_seconds if set.

Last updated