
class AnchorLinkTransportSharp::Src::Transports::UiToolkit::Ui::QrCodePanel
  : public PanelBase



private readonly Vector3 _qrCurrentSize= new Vector3(1, 1)

private SigningRequest _request

private Button _launchAnchorButton

private VisualElement _qrCodeBox

private VisualElement _readyToCopy

private VisualElement _alreadyCopied

private VisualElement _anchorFootnote

private VisualElement _anchorLinkCopy

private Label _subtitleLabel

private Label _copyLabel

private Label _downloadNowLabel

private Label _linkedCopiedLabel

private Label _loginTitleLabel

private void Start()

private void BindButtons()

private IEnumerator SetText(float counterDuration)

private Texture2D StringToQrCodeTexture2D(string textForEncoding, int textureWidth, int textureHeight, Color32 baseColor, Color32 pixelColor)

Call this to generate a QR code based on the parameters passed.

private Color32[] StringEncoder(string textForEncoding, int width, int height, Color32 baseColor, Color32 pixelColor)

private void CopyToClipboard(string targetString)

Puts the passed string into the clipboard buffer to be pasted elsewhere.


private readonly Vector3 _qrCurrentSize= new Vector3(1, 1)

private SigningRequest _request

private Button _launchAnchorButton

private VisualElement _qrCodeBox

private VisualElement _readyToCopy

private VisualElement _alreadyCopied

private VisualElement _anchorFootnote

private VisualElement _anchorLinkCopy

private Label _subtitleLabel

private Label _copyLabel

private Label _downloadNowLabel

private Label _linkedCopiedLabel

private Label _loginTitleLabel

private void Start()

private void BindButtons()

private IEnumerator SetText(float counterDuration)

private Texture2D StringToQrCodeTexture2D(string textForEncoding, int textureWidth, int textureHeight, Color32 baseColor, Color32 pixelColor)

Call this to generate a QR code based on the parameters passed.


  • textForEncoding The actual texture that will be encoded into a QRCode

  • textureWidth How wide the new texture should be

  • textureHeight How high the new texture should be


private Color32[] StringEncoder(string textForEncoding, int width, int height, Color32 baseColor, Color32 pixelColor)

private void CopyToClipboard(string targetString)

Puts the passed string into the clipboard buffer to be pasted elsewhere.


  • targetString Text to be copied to the buffer

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