
Available options when creating a new [[AnchorLink]] instance.



public ILinkTransport Transport

AnchorLink transport responsible for presenting signing requests to user, required.

public string ChainId

ChainID or esr chain name alias for which the anchorLink is valid. Defaults to EOS (aca376f206b8fc25a6ed44dbdc66547c36c6c33e3a119ffbeaef943642f0e906).

public object Rpc

URL to EOSIO node to communicate with or e EosApi instance. Defaults to

public string Service

URL to anchorLink callback service. Defaults to

public ILinkStorage Storage

Optional storage adapter that will be used to persist sessions if set. If not storage adapter is set but the given transport provides a storage, that will be used. Explicitly set this to null to force no storage.

public IZlibProvider ZlibProvider

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