
class UniversalAuthenticatorLibrary::UnityUAL
  : public MonoBehaviour



#### Parameters

Returns an object with a list of initialized Authenticators that returned true for shouldRender() as well as an authenticator that supports autoLogin

Initializes UAL: If a renderConfig was provided and no autologin authenticator is returned it will render the Auth Button and relevant DOM elements.


public bool IsAutologin

public Authenticator ActiveAuthenticator

public Chain Chain

public UALOptions UalOptions

public List< Authenticator> Authenticators

public Action](#_example_main_view_8cs_1a24e91c56095a0673d92c6eac6e069a3c)< [User> OnUserLogin

public UnityUAL( Chainchain, UALOptionsualOptions, List< Authenticator > authenticators)


  • chains A list of chains the dapp supports.

  • appName The name of the app using the authenticators

  • authenticators A list of authenticator apps that the dapp supports.

public AuthenticatorResponse GetAuthenticators()

Returns an object with a list of initialized Authenticators that returned true for shouldRender() as well as an authenticator that supports autoLogin

public async Task Init()

Initializes UAL: If a renderConfig was provided and no autologin authenticator is returned it will render the Auth Button and relevant DOM elements.

protected abstract void CreateUalPanel( Authenticator authenticators)

private async Task AttemptSessionLogin( Authenticator availableAuthenticators)

private void ClearStorageKeys()

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