
class CloudWalletPlugin::MonoBehaviour

Main-class wrapping CloudWallet functionallity in a Unity MonoBehaviour



public bool IsInitialized

Boolean signaling if the plugin was initialized

public bool IsLoggedIn

Boolean signaling if a User is logged in

public string Account

String containing the AccountName of the logged-in User if a user is logged in

public Action<CloudWalletInitEvent> OnInit

Event invoked when WaxJs was initialized

public Action<CloudWalletLoginEvent> OnLoggedIn

Event invoked when a User successfully logged in

public Action<CloudWalletSignEvent> OnTransactionSigned

Event invoked when a transaction was signed

public Action<CloudWalletLogoutEvent> OnLoggedIn

Event invoked when a User logged out

public Action<CloudWalletErrorEvent> OnError

Event invoked when an Error occured

public Action<CloudWalletCreateInfoEvent> OnInfoCreated

Event invoked when CreateInfo was called successfully


public bool IsInitialized

Boolean signaling if the plugin was initialized

public bool IsLoggedIn

Boolean signaling if a User is logged in

public string Account

String containing the AccountName of the logged-in User if a user is logged in


public Action<CloudWalletInitEvent> OnInit

Event invoked when WaxJs was initialized


_cloudWalletPlugin.OnInit += (initEvent) =>
    Debug.Log("WaxJs Initialized");

public Action<CloudWalletLoginEvent> OnLoggedIn

Event invoked when a User successfully logged in


_cloudWalletPlugin.OnLoggedIn += (loginEvent) =>
    Account = loginEvent.Account;
    Debug.Log($"{loginEvent.Account} Logged In");

public Action<CloudWalletSignEvent> OnTransactionSigned

Event invoked when a transaction was signed


_cloudWalletPlugin.OnTransactionSigned += (signEvent) =>
    Debug.Log($"Transaction signed: {JsonConvert.SerializeObject(signEvent.Result)}");

public Action<CloudWalletLogoutEvent> OnLoggedIn

Event invoked when a User logged out


_cloudWalletPlugin.OnLoggedIn += (loginEvent) =>
    Account = loginEvent.Account; // class-Level variable
    Debug.Log($"{loginEvent.Account} Logged In");

public Action<CloudWalletErrorEvent> OnError

Event invoked when an Error occured


_cloudWalletPlugin.OnError += (errorEvent) =>
  Debug.Log($"An Error occured: {errorEvent.Message}");

public Action<CloudWalletCreateInfoEvent> OnInfoCreated

Event invoked when CreateInfo was called successfully


_cloudWalletPlugin.OnInfoCreated += (infoCreatedEvent) =>
  Debug.Log($"CreateInfoResult: {JsonConvert.SerializeObject(infoCreatedEvent.Result)}");


public void InitializeWebGl(string rpcAddress, bool tryAutoLogin = true, string userAccount = null, string pubKeys = null, string apiSigner = null, string eosApiArgs = null, bool freeBandwidth = true, bool feeFallback = true, string verifyTx = null, string metricsUrl = null, bool returnTempAccounts = false)

Initialize the Cloud Wallet Plugin for WebGL, see WaxJs on Github for more information

Has no Effect on other Build-Targets.

RECOMMENDED Way to use this Plugin




  • rpcAddress The WAX public node API endpoint URL you wish to connect to. Required

  • tryAutoLogin Always attempt to autologin when your dapp starts up. Default true

  • userAccount User account to start up with. Optional

  • pubKeys Public keys for the userAccount manually specified above. Optional.

  • apiSigner Custom signing logic. Note that free bandwidth will not be provided to custom signers. Default Optional

  • eosApiArgs Custom eosjs constructor arguments to use when instantiating eosjs. Optional

  • freeBandwidth Request bandwidth management from WAX. Default true

  • feeFallback Add wax fee action if user exhausted their own bandwidth, the free boost. Default true

  • verifyTx IGNORED

  • metricsUrl used by WAXIO to gather metrics about failed transaction, times it takes to load a transaction. Default Optional

  • returnTempAccounts using this flag will return temporary accounts or accounts that have signed up for a cloud wallet but not paid the introduction fee to get a blockchain account created. When this is set to true, using the doLogin function will return blockchain account name that may not exist in the blockchain but it will also return an extra boolean flag called isTemp. If this flag is true it is a temporary account, it does not exist in the blockchain yet. If this constructor option is false then only accounts which have been activated and have a blockchain account will be returned.

public void InitializeDesktop(uint localPort, string wcwSigningWebsiteUrl, bool hostLocalWebsite = true, string indexHtmlDataPath = null, string waxJsDataPath = null)

Initialize the Cloud Wallet Plugin for use on Desktops (Windows, MAC, Linux)

Has no Effect on other Build-Targets. Useful for local debugging.

USAGE NOT RECOMMENDED in Production as it uses a local HttpListener and works with Localhost instead of a real domain while usage of a real domain is supported but comes with security risks


   _cloudWalletPlugin.InitializeDesktop(1234, "");


  • localPort The Port to be used in the HttpListener

  • wcwSigningWebsiteUrl NOT RECOMMENDED. Allows the Usage of a website/domain instead of localhost, website needs to contain the custom methods from the custom index.html to make Callbacks to the UnityClient. Choosing this options comes with great security risks. Optional.

  • hostLocalWebsite Default true - set to false if a website/domain should be used instead. Optional.

  • indexHtmlDataPath Allows to provide a custom path to the index.html to be hosted via the HttpListener on the local device. Optional.

  • waxJsDataPath Allows to provide a custom path to the waxjs.js-file to be hosted via the HttpListener on the local device. Optional.

public void InitializeMobile(uint localPort, string wcwSigningWebsiteUrl, bool hostLocalWebsite = true, string indexHtmlString = null, string waxJsString = null)

Initialize the Cloud Wallet Plugin for Mobile (Android, iOS)

Has no Effect on other Build-Targets. Useful for local debugging and as temporary Solution until Wax Cloud Wallet updates for a better and more secure integration are implemented.

USAGE NOT RECOMMENDED in Production as it uses a local HttpListener and works with Localhost instead of a real domain while usage of a real domain is supported but comes with security risks

Uses Android Chrome Custom Tabs and iOS SFSafariViewController to visualize the Interaction with the WAX Cloud Wallet.

UniversalSDK (Github-Link Github-AssetStore-Link) needs to be installed for Mobile support


    _cloudWalletPlugin.InitializeMobile(1234, "", true, indexHtmlString, waxJsString);


  • localPort The Port to be used in the HttpListener

  • wcwSigningWebsiteUrl NOT RECOMMENDED. Allows the Usage of a website/domain instead of localhost, website needs to contain the custom methods from the custom index.html to make Callbacks to the UnityClient. Choosing this options comes with great security risks. Optional.

  • hostLocalWebsite Default true - set to false if a website/domain should be used instead. Optional.

  • indexHtmlString Allows to provide a custom index.html-file as string to be hosted via the HttpListener on the local device. Needs to be provided as string due to encryption and compression on Mobile Devices. Optional.

  • waxJsString Allows to provide a custom waxjs.js-file as string to be hosted via the HttpListener on the local device. Needs to be provided as string due to encryption and compression on Mobile Devices. Optional.

Last updated