


public AssetsDto Assets()

This function will return a list of all the assets that are available for trading on the exchange.

public AssetsDto Assets( AssetsUriParameterBuilder assetsUriParameterBuilder)

This function will return a list of assets based on the parameters passed in.

public AssetDto Asset(string assetId)

This function will return an AssetDto object from the API.

public StatsDto AssetStats(string assetId)

This function returns the statistics of an asset.

public LogsDto AssetLogs(string assetId)

This function returns a list of logs for a given asset.

public LogsDto AssetLogs(string assetId, AssetsUriParameterBuilder assetsUriParameterBuilder)

This function returns a list of logs for a given asset.

private readonly string _requestUriBase

private Uri AssetsUri()

It returns a Uri object that represents the assets endpoint.

private Uri AssetsUri( AssetsUriParameterBuilder assetsUriParameterBuilder)

It takes an AssetsUriParameterBuilder object and returns a Uri object.

private Uri AssetUri(string assetId)

It returns a URI for the specified asset ID.

private Uri AssetStatsUri(string assetId)

It returns a URI for the asset stats endpoint.

private Uri AssetLogsUri(string assetId)

It returns a Uri object that points to the logs for a given asset.

private Uri AssetLogsUri(string assetId, AssetsUriParameterBuilder assetsUriParameterBuilder)

It builds the URI for the asset logs.


public AssetsDto Assets()

This function will return a list of all the assets that are available for trading on the exchange.


A list of assets.

public AssetsDto Assets( AssetsUriParameterBuilder assetsUriParameterBuilder)

This function will return a list of assets based on the parameters passed in.


  • AssetsUriParameterBuilder This is a class that contains all the parameters that can be passed to the API.


A list of assets.

public AssetDto Asset(string assetId)

This function will return an AssetDto object from the API.


  • assetId The id of the asset you want to retrieve.


An AssetDto object

public StatsDto AssetStats(string assetId)

This function returns the statistics of an asset.


  • assetId The asset id of the asset you want to get the stats for.


A StatsDto object

public LogsDto AssetLogs(string assetId)

This function returns a list of logs for a given asset.


  • assetId The asset id of the asset you want to get the logs for.


A list of logs for the asset.

public LogsDto AssetLogs(string assetId, AssetsUriParameterBuilder assetsUriParameterBuilder)

This function returns a list of logs for a given asset.


  • assetId The id of the asset you want to get logs for.

  • AssetsUriParameterBuilder This is a class that contains all the parameters that can be passed to the API.


A list of logs for the asset.

private readonly string _requestUriBase

private Uri AssetsUri()

It returns a Uri object that represents the assets endpoint.

private Uri AssetsUri( AssetsUriParameterBuilder assetsUriParameterBuilder)

It takes an AssetsUriParameterBuilder object and returns a Uri object.


  • AssetsUriParameterBuilder A class that builds the query string for the assets endpoint.

private Uri AssetUri(string assetId)

It returns a URI for the specified asset ID.


  • assetId The ID of the asset you want to retrieve.

private Uri AssetStatsUri(string assetId)

It returns a URI for the asset stats endpoint.


  • assetId The ID of the asset you want to get stats for.

private Uri AssetLogsUri(string assetId)

It returns a Uri object that points to the logs for a given asset.


  • assetId The ID of the asset you want to get logs for.

private Uri AssetLogsUri(string assetId, AssetsUriParameterBuilder assetsUriParameterBuilder)

It builds the URI for the asset logs.


  • assetId The ID of the asset you want to get logs for.

  • AssetsUriParameterBuilder This is a class that builds the query string parameters for the request.

Last updated