


This function will make a GET request to the /offers endpoint and return the response as a OffersDto object.

It takes a OffersUriParameterBuilder object as a parameter, builds a HttpRequestMessage object, sends it to the API, and returns a OffersDto object.

It builds an HTTP GET request to the OfferUri endpoint, sends the request to the API, and returns the response as an OfferDto object.

This function returns a list of logs for a given offer.

This function returns a list of logs for a specific offer.

It returns a new Uri object with the value of the _requestUriBase field, a forward slash, and the word "offers".

It takes a OffersUriParameterBuilder object and returns a Uri object.

It returns a URI for the offer with the given ID.

It returns a URI for the offer logs endpoint.

It takes an offerId and an OffersUriParameterBuilder and returns a Uri.


public OffersDto Offers()

This function will make a GET request to the /offers endpoint and return the response as a OffersDto object.


A list of offers

public OffersDto Offers( OffersUriParameterBuilder offersUriParameterBuilder)

It takes a OffersUriParameterBuilder object as a parameter, builds a HttpRequestMessage object, sends it to the API, and returns a OffersDto object.


  • OffersUriParameterBuilder This is a class that contains all the parameters that can be passed to the API.


A list of offers.

public OfferDto Offer(string offerId)

It builds an HTTP GET request to the OfferUri endpoint, sends the request to the API, and returns the response as an OfferDto object.


  • offerId The offer id of the offer you want to retrieve.


A single offer

public LogsDto OfferLogs(string offerId)

This function returns a list of logs for a given offer.


  • offerId The offer ID of the offer you want to get the logs for.


A list of logs for the offer.

public LogsDto OfferLogs(string offerId, OffersUriParameterBuilder schemasUriParameterBuilder)

This function returns a list of logs for a specific offer.


  • offerId The offer id of the offer you want to get the logs for.

  • OffersUriParameterBuilder This is a class that contains all the parameters that can be passed to the API.


A list of logs for the offer.

private readonly string _requestUriBase

private Uri OffersUri()

It returns a new Uri object with the value of the _requestUriBase field, a forward slash, and the word "offers".

private Uri OffersUri( OffersUriParameterBuilder offersUriParameterBuilder)

It takes a OffersUriParameterBuilder object and returns a Uri object.


  • OffersUriParameterBuilder This is a class that builds the query string parameters for the offers endpoint.

private Uri OfferUri(string offerId)

It returns a URI for the offer with the given ID.


  • offerId The offer ID of the offer you want to get.

private Uri OfferLogsUri(string offerId)

It returns a URI for the offer logs endpoint.


  • offerId The ID of the offer you want to get logs for.

private Uri OfferLogsUri(string offerId, OffersUriParameterBuilder offersUriParameterBuilder)

It takes an offerId and an OffersUriParameterBuilder and returns a Uri.


  • offerId The offer ID of the offer you want to get the logs for.

  • OffersUriParameterBuilder This is a class that builds the query string parameters for the request.

Last updated