


The name of the Smart Contract.

The Unique Identifier of the Asset.

The Owner.

Indicates if an Asset is transferable.

Indicates if an Asset is burnable.

The Collection this belongs to.

The Schema this belongs to.

The Template this belongs to.

The Mutable Data.

The Mint-Number of this Template.

The Immutable Data.

Tokens by which this Asset is backed.

The Block-Number this was burned.

The Time this was burned.

Block-Number this was last updated.

Time this was last updated.

Block this was last transferred.

Time this was last transferred.

Block this Asset was minted.

Time this Asset was minted.

The Name.


class BackedTokensDto

class SchemaDto

class TemplateDto

public string Contract

The name of the Smart Contract.

public string AssetId

The Unique Identifier of the Asset.

public string Owner

The Owner.

public bool Transferable

Indicates if an Asset is transferable.

public bool Burnable

Indicates if an Asset is burnable.

public CollectionDto Collection

The Collection this belongs to.

public SchemaDto Schema

The Schema this belongs to.

public TemplateDto Template

The Template this belongs to.

public object MutableData

The Mutable Data.

public object Data

public string TemplateMint

The Mint-Number of this Template.

public object ImmutableData

The Immutable Data.

public BackedTokensDto BackedTokens

Tokens by which this Asset is backed.

public string BurnedByAccount

public string BurnedAtBlock

The Block-Number this was burned.

public string BurnedAtTime

The Time this was burned.

public string UpdatedAtBlock

Block-Number this was last updated.

public string UpdatedAtTime

Time this was last updated.

public string TransferredAtBlock

Block this was last transferred.

public string TransferredAtTime

Time this was last transferred.

public string MintedAtBlock

Block this Asset was minted.

public string MintedAtTime

Time this Asset was minted.

public string Name

The Name.

Last updated