


It returns a list of auctions.

public AuctionsDto Auctions( AuctionsUriParameterBuilder uriParametersBuilder)

It returns a list of auctions.

public AuctionDto Auction(int id)

This function will make a GET request to the Auction API and return the AuctionDto object

public LogsDto AuctionLogs(int id)

It gets the logs of an auction.

public LogsDto AuctionLogs(int id, AuctionsUriParameterBuilder auctionsUriParametersBuilder)

It gets the logs for an auction.

private readonly string _requestUriBase

private Uri AuctionsUri()

It returns a new Uri object that is the base request URI with the /auctions path appended to it.

private Uri AuctionsUri( IUriParameterBuilder uriParameterBuilder)

It takes a IUriParameterBuilder and returns a Uri that is the base URI for the auctions endpoint with the parameters built by the IUriParameterBuilder appended to the end.

private Uri AuctionUri(int id)

It returns a URI for the auction with the given ID.

private Uri AuctionsLogsUri(int id)

It returns a Uri object that represents the URL for the auction logs endpoint

private Uri AuctionsLogsUri(int id, IUriParameterBuilder uriParameterBuilder)

It returns a URI for the auctions logs endpoint


public AuctionsDto Auctions()

It returns a list of auctions.


public AuctionsDto Auctions( AuctionsUriParameterBuilder uriParametersBuilder)

It returns a list of auctions.


  • AuctionsUriParameterBuilder This is a class that contains all the parameters that can be passed to the API.


public AuctionDto Auction(int id)

This function will make a GET request to the Auction API and return the AuctionDto object


  • id The id of the auction you want to retrieve


An AuctionDto object

public LogsDto AuctionLogs(int id)

It gets the logs of an auction.


  • id The id of the auction you want to get the logs for.


A list of logs for the auction.

public LogsDto AuctionLogs(int id, AuctionsUriParameterBuilder auctionsUriParametersBuilder)

It gets the logs for an auction.


  • id The id of the auction you want to get the logs for.

  • AuctionsUriParameterBuilder This is a class that contains all the parameters that can be passed to the API.


A LogsDto object.

private readonly string _requestUriBase

private Uri AuctionsUri()

It returns a new Uri object that is the base request URI with the /auctions path appended to it.

private Uri AuctionsUri( IUriParameterBuilder uriParameterBuilder)

It takes a IUriParameterBuilder and returns a Uri that is the base URI for the auctions endpoint with the parameters built by the IUriParameterBuilder appended to the end.


  • IUriParameterBuilder This is an interface that is used to build the query string parameters for the request.

private Uri AuctionUri(int id)

It returns a URI for the auction with the given ID.


  • id The id of the auction you want to get.

private Uri AuctionsLogsUri(int id)

It returns a Uri object that represents the URL for the auction logs endpoint


  • id The id of the auction you want to get the logs for.

private Uri AuctionsLogsUri(int id, IUriParameterBuilder uriParameterBuilder)

It returns a URI for the auctions logs endpoint


  • id The id of the auction you want to get the logs for.

  • IUriParameterBuilder This is an interface that is used to build the query string parameters.

Last updated