


It builds an HTTP request, sends it to the API, and returns the response as a SalesDto object.

This function will return a SaleDto object from the API.

It returns a SalesDto object.

It returns a list of sales.

This function will return a list of logs for a specific sales order.

This function returns a list of logs for a specific sales order.

It returns a new Uri object with the value of the _requestUriBase field concatenated with the string "/sales".

It takes a IUriParameterBuilder as a parameter and returns a Uri that is the base request URI with the /sales path and the URI parameters built by the IUriParameterBuilder appended to it.

It returns a URI for a sale.

It returns a URI for the /sales/templates endpoint.

It returns a URI for the sales logs endpoint.

It returns a URI for the sales logs endpoint.


public SalesDto Sales()

It builds an HTTP request, sends it to the API, and returns the response as a SalesDto object.


A SalesDto object

public SaleDto Sale(int id)

This function will return a SaleDto object from the API.


  • id The id of the sale you want to retrieve.


A SaleDto object

public SalesDto Sales( SalesUriParameterBuilder uriParameterBuilder)

It returns a SalesDto object.


  • SalesUriParameterBuilder This is a class that contains all the parameters that you want to pass to the API.


A SalesDto object.

public SalesDto SalesByTemplate( SalesUriParameterBuilder uriParameterBuilder)

It returns a list of sales.


  • SalesUriParameterBuilder This is a class that contains the parameters that will be used to build the URI.


A SalesDto object.

public LogsDto SalesLogs(int id)

This function will return a list of logs for a specific sales order.


  • id The id of the sales order you want to get the logs for.


A list of logs for a specific sale.

public LogsDto SalesLogs(int id, SalesUriParameterBuilder salesUriParameterBuilder)

This function returns a list of logs for a specific sales order.


  • id The id of the sales order

  • SalesUriParameterBuilder This is a class that contains all the parameters that can be passed to the API.


A LogsDto object

private readonly string _requestUriBase

private Uri SalesUri()

It returns a new Uri object with the value of the _requestUriBase field concatenated with the string "/sales".

private Uri SalesUri( IUriParameterBuilder salesUriParameterBuilder)

It takes a IUriParameterBuilder as a parameter and returns a Uri that is the base request URI with the /sales path and the URI parameters built by the IUriParameterBuilder appended to it.


  • IUriParameterBuilder This is an interface that is used to build the query string parameters for the request.

private Uri SaleUri(int saleId)

It returns a URI for a sale.


  • saleId The id of the sale to be retrieved.

private Uri SaleTemplatesUri( IUriParameterBuilder salesUriParameterBuilder)

It returns a URI for the /sales/templates endpoint.


  • IUriParameterBuilder This is a class that is used to build the query string parameters for the request.

private Uri SalesLogsUri(int saleId)

It returns a URI for the sales logs endpoint.


  • saleId The id of the sale you want to get the logs for.

private Uri SalesLogsUri(int saleId, IUriParameterBuilder salesUriParameterBuilder)

It returns a URI for the sales logs endpoint.


  • saleId The id of the sale you want to get the logs for.

  • IUriParameterBuilder This is an interface that is used to build the query string parameters for the request.

Last updated