


The Name of the AtomicAssets Smart Contract.

The Name of the AtomicMarket Smart Contract.

The Name of the DelphiOracle Smart Contract.

The Current Version.

The Maker Market Fee.

The Taker Market Fee.

The minimum Auction Duration.

The maximum Auction Duration.

The minimum bid increase.

The auction reset duration.

Array of supported Tokens.

Array of supported Currency-/Token-Pairs.

The time this Query took.


class SupportedPairsDto

class SupportedTokensDto

public string AtomicAssetsContract

The Name of the AtomicAssets Smart Contract.

public string AtomicMarketContract

The Name of the AtomicMarket Smart Contract.

public string DelphioracleContract

The Name of the DelphiOracle Smart Contract.

public string Version

The Current Version.

public string MakerMarketFee

The Maker Market Fee.

public string TakerMarketFee

The Taker Market Fee.

public string MinimumAuctionDuration

The minimum Auction Duration.

public string MaximumAuctionDuration

The maximum Auction Duration.

public string MinimumBidIncrease

The minimum bid increase.

public string AuctionResetDuration

The auction reset duration.

public SupportedTokensDto SupportedTokens

Array of supported Tokens.

public SupportedPairsDto SupportedPairs

Array of supported Currency-/Token-Pairs.

public long QueryTime

The time this Query took.

Last updated