
class AtomicMarketApiClient::Pricing::PricingUriParametersBuilder
  : public IUriParameterBuilder



WithSymbol sets the symbol parameter

WithBurned sets the _burned field to the value of the burned parameter

WithCollectionName is a function that takes a string as a parameter and returns an PricingUriParameterBuilder object

This function sets the schema name for the query.

WithTemplateId sets the _templateId variable to the value of the templateId parameter

WithIsTransferable sets the _isTransferable field to the value of the isTransferable parameter

WithIsTransferable sets the _isTransferable field to the value of the isTransferable parameter

It builds a query string based on the parameters that have been set.

A private variable that is used to store the value of the symbol parameter.

A nullable boolean specfying burned assets.

A private variable that is used to store the value of the collectionName parameter.

A private variable that is used to store the value of the schemaName parameter.

A private variable that is used to store the value of the templateId parameter.

A nullable boolean specfying transferable assets.

A nullable boolean specfying burnable assets.


public PricingUriParametersBuilder WithSymbol(string symbol)

WithSymbol sets the symbol parameter


  • symbol Token symbols.


The PricingUriParameterBuilder object.

public PricingUriParametersBuilder WithBurned(bool burned)

WithBurned sets the _burned field to the value of the burned parameter


  • burned It filters for burned assets.


The PricingUriParameterBuilder object.

public PricingUriParametersBuilder WithCollectionName(string collectionName)

WithCollectionName is a function that takes a string as a parameter and returns an PricingUriParameterBuilder object


  • collectionName The name of the collection you want to query.


The PricingUriParameterBuilder object.

public PricingUriParametersBuilder WithSchemaName(string schemaName)

This function sets the schema name for the query.


  • schemaName The name of the schema to use.


The PricingUriParameterBuilder object.

public PricingUriParametersBuilder WithTemplateId(string templateId)

WithTemplateId sets the _templateId variable to the value of the templateId parameter


  • templateId The templateId of the results to return.


The PricingUriParameterBuilder object.

public PricingUriParametersBuilder WithIsTransferable(bool isTransferable)

WithIsTransferable sets the _isTransferable field to the value of the isTransferable parameter


  • isTransferable The isTransferable parameter filters results.


The PricingUriParameterBuilder object.

public PricingUriParametersBuilder WithIsBurnable(bool isBurnable)

WithIsTransferable sets the _isTransferable field to the value of the isTransferable parameter


  • isTransferable The isTransferable parameter filters for transferable assets.


The PricingUriParameterBuilder object.

public string Build()

It builds a query string based on the parameters that have been set.


A string that contains the parameters for the query.

private string _symbol

A private variable that is used to store the value of the symbol parameter.

private bool? _burned

A nullable boolean specfying burned assets.

private string _collectionName

A private variable that is used to store the value of the collectionName parameter.

private string _schemaName

A private variable that is used to store the value of the schemaName parameter.

private string _templateId

A private variable that is used to store the value of the templateId parameter.

private bool? _isTransferable

A nullable boolean specfying transferable assets.

private bool? _isBurnable

A nullable boolean specfying burnable assets.

Last updated