


This function will return a list of prices for all the sales that have been made.

This function will return a list of prices for a given product, based on the parameters passed in the uriParametersBuilder.

This function will return a list of prices for the last 30 days.

This function will return a PricesDto object that contains the prices for the specified date range.

This function will return a list of templates that are available for use.

This function will return a list of templates that are available for the given parameters.

This function will return a list of all the assets that are available for trading on the exchange.

This function will return a list of assets that are available for pricing.

It returns a Uri object that is the base URI for the sales endpoint.

It returns a URI for the sales endpoint.

It returns a Uri object that represents the URL for the API endpoint that returns the sales data for the last 30 days.

It returns a URI for the /prices/sales/days endpoint.

It returns a Uri object that represents the URL of the API endpoint that returns the list of templates.

It returns a URI for the /prices/templates endpoint

It returns a Uri object that points to the /prices/assets endpoint.

It returns a URI for the /prices/assets endpoint.


public PricesDto Sales()

This function will return a list of prices for all the sales that have been made.


A list of prices for the sales of the product.

public PricesDto Sales( PricingUriParametersBuilder uriParametersBuilder)

This function will return a list of prices for a given product, based on the parameters passed in the uriParametersBuilder.


  • PricingUriParametersBuilder This is a class that contains the parameters that will be passed to the API.


A list of prices for the given parameters.

public PricesDto Days()

This function will return a list of prices for the last 30 days.


A list of prices for the last 30 days.

public PricesDto Days( PricingUriParametersBuilder uriParametersBuilder)

This function will return a PricesDto object that contains the prices for the specified date range.


  • PricingUriParametersBuilder This is a class that contains the parameters that are required to make the request.


A list of prices for the given date range.

public TemplatesDto Templates()

This function will return a list of templates that are available for use.


A list of templates

public TemplatesDto Templates( PricingUriParametersBuilder uriParametersBuilder)

This function will return a list of templates that are available for the given parameters.


  • PricingUriParametersBuilder This is a class that contains the parameters that are required to make the request.


A TemplatesDto object.

public AssetsDto Assets()

This function will return a list of all the assets that are available for trading on the exchange.


A list of assets.

public AssetsDto Assets( PricingUriParametersBuilder uriParametersBuilder)

This function will return a list of assets that are available for pricing.


  • PricingUriParametersBuilder This is a class that contains all the parameters that can be passed to the API.


A list of assets.

private readonly string _requestUriBase

private Uri SalesUri()

It returns a Uri object that is the base URI for the sales endpoint.

private Uri SalesUri( IUriParameterBuilder uriParameterBuilder)

It returns a URI for the sales endpoint.


  • IUriParameterBuilder This is an interface that is used to build the query string parameters for the request.

private Uri DaysUri()

It returns a Uri object that represents the URL for the API endpoint that returns the sales data for the last 30 days.

private Uri DaysUri( IUriParameterBuilder uriParameterBuilder)

It returns a URI for the /prices/sales/days endpoint.


  • IUriParameterBuilder This is an interface that is used to build the query string parameters for the request.

private Uri TemplatesUri()

It returns a Uri object that represents the URL of the API endpoint that returns the list of templates.

private Uri TemplatesUri( IUriParameterBuilder uriParameterBuilder)

It returns a URI for the /prices/templates endpoint


  • IUriParameterBuilder This is a class that is used to build the query string parameters for the request.

private Uri AssetsUri()

It returns a Uri object that points to the /prices/assets endpoint.

private Uri AssetsUri( IUriParameterBuilder uriParameterBuilder)

It returns a URI for the /prices/assets endpoint.


  • IUriParameterBuilder This is a class that is used to build the query string parameters for the request.

Last updated